
We are interested in a wide variety of applications where Geographic Information Science (GISci) and spatial analysis can be used. Our work is in spatial ecology, environmental GIS, human mobilty, and the development of methods in these areas.  Check out this YouTube Video which goes over a variety of things that we work on; but also check out the researcher pages to get examples of the types of things we are currently working on.

Dr Long is currently helping to organize a Worshop on Disruptive Movement Analysis as part of the GIScience 2023 Conference. As part of the workshop we are also organizing a similarly themed Special Issue in the International Journal of Geographical Information Science


Human Mobility

Using data collected from mobile phones, both through bespoke apps and in collaboration with major telecom firms, we are studying how human mobility patterns change over space and time. In particular, our work is exploring how home-based working impacts travel behaviour (WORKANDHOME), how access to different services shapes movement patterns, and how human mobility changed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Example Papers:
Changes in mobility over time during pandemic in Ontario
Regional flows associated with pandemic restrictions

Movement Ecology

We work with partners with expertise in wildlife biology to study animal movement across a range of species, in a variety of application contexts. In particular we focus on methods for linking wildflife tracking data with remote sensing and GIS data, spatial analysis of wildife movement, and studying movement patterns associated with social behaviour. We also are increasingly interested in problems at the intersection of human and wildlife movement, for example in recreation ecology.

Example Papers:
GeoMag - tool for linking satellite geomagnetic data
Analysing contacts using wildlifeDI
Geomagnetic navigation simulation experiments
Red deer response to hiking activity

Tracking data of Dr Long in Scotland

GPS Tracking Data of a White Tailed Deer